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What exactly is a Reverse Osmosis Unit and do I need one?

Water Treatment Specialists - Perfect Water Systems Limited - 2024


If you have had any water problem in the past, you have probably heard mention of a Reverse Osmosis unit as a possible solution. It has become a buzzphrase when it comes to water filtration, but it is not always the best solution for everyone. In this post, we will outline the benefits and drawbacks of Reverse Osmosis units as well as help you determine if you should consider getting one.


Reverse Osmosis units remove everything from your water

Yes, Reverse Osmosis units indeed remove impurities from water, but they also remove many of the beneficial minerals. When researching which water-filtration unit is best for you, it is advisable to look out for any red flags. This guideline is especially true if there is too much emphasis on a Reverse Osmosis unit taking out the bad stuff but neglecting to mention what happens to the beneficial minerals. In many cases, people buy Reverse Osmosis units to improve their health, so it doesn’t make sense to remove healthy minerals. At Perfect Water, our Reverse Osmosis unit also has a remineralising filter so that the healthy minerals are added back in after the reverse-osmosis process.

Reverse Osmosis may be overkill to some people

Imagine going to the doctor and telling them that you have a sore throat, only for them to order a full body scan. It can be the same when you purchase a Reverse Osmosis unit when a more simple Drinking Water Filter might do. If you are on mains water and are against the idea of drinking fluoride, you might consider a more straightforward fluoride unit. Likewise, if you are one of the many households that that are subject to frequent or extended boil-water notices [1], it might be worth considering a unit such as the Perfect Water Cryptofilter. If you are on well water, you may need a Reverse Osmosis unit, but we always recommend getting a full water test first. Read our previous post to learn more about the differences between mains water and well water.

Reverse Osmosis units require more regular maintenance than other units

What a lot of people don’t think of is the yearly cost of a Reverse Osmosis unit. A Reverse Osmosis unit is composed of 3 filters, a membrane and a remineralising cartridge. Each of the filters should be replaced once a year on average. It would be best if you replaced the membrane once every two to three years. If a more simple drinking water filter would suffice, it will mean less yearly maintenance and cost.

Reverse Osmosis can be the go-to unit for con artists

Unfortunately, we have seen several water scams over our 25 years in business. One of the most prevalent of these has been fake water tests. In these fake water tests, the scammer would use an electrolysis device that reacts with water to create the impression that the water is dirty. You can see this scam debunked in more detail here:

In any case, before you even consider purchasing a Reverse Osmosis unit, you should get a full water test to ensure it is what you need. Before even booking a test, you can click here to book a full free consultation


[1] Irish Times – Article – Why is our water supply system so precarious?

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