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Bottled Water Facts – Time To Ditch The Habit

The unwelcome consequences for the environment, of drinking water from single serve disposable plastic bottles keeps adding up and fast. With the bottled water facts we show here, it’s time to ditch the habit and switch to a filter system. This article and info-graphic help to spread awareness about the willful waste of drinking disposable bottled water and encourage participants to commit to living a life that’s disposable-free. It’s now very obvious, bottled water is wreaking havoc on the Earth’s precious resources. Plus, it’s almost definitely not any safer or cleaner than your home tap water and in fact, sometimes it’s worse.

If you’ve been wondering about the consequences of the single serve bottled water habit (whether it’s personal, national, or global), then look no further. This article from, outlines the stark consequences—environmental, physical, and economic of guzzling the bottled stuff. Ready to quit the habit? Then check out the action tips…Read More (PDF)

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